Thank you for participating in this Bible Study! Let us embark on this journey together, discovering the path to a life filled with purpose, miracles, and unwavering hope. May the Holy Spirit’s guidance lead us as we consider embracing this resource for our church family. Below you will find all the materials to guide you through passages, stories, and themes that resonate with the challenges and opportunities of your life.
Chapter Video Lessons


1. Follow A Path Different From The World's

2. Learn to Hear God’s Voice

3. Receive The Baptism in the Holy Spirit

4. Expect God to Speak to You and Through You

5. Discover How the Gifts of the Spirit Work

6. Prepare for Something Greater in Your Life

7. Let the Holy Spirit Help You Overcome Sin

8. Fulfill Every Bit of Potential God Has Given You

9. Walk in Deliverance by the Power of the Spirit